You may have heard me mention the yellow/green flourescent shirts in the video narration I did on the Badger Mountain Challenge.
Many Causes
Most of the people in today’s Badger Mountain Challenge were hiking, jogging and running for a cause. The main cause was to support the Badger Mountain trail system. Some people’s cause was better health. Others have overcome challenges in their lives. One group has a cause which is dear to their hearts as they remember a boy who died in December.
Hoping to Raise Awareness
This group of people in glowing shirts is from the Sunnyside area. They are trying to raise awareness of a rare but deadly disease.

The Cannonboy Run Group from the Sunnyside area. Hoping to raise awareness of a disorder which took the life of young Cannon in December.
Kent and Natalie Copeland had their son, Cannon in 2010. At first, he appeared to be a normal, healthy boy. By four months old, the Copelands knew Cannon had some kind of problem. Cannon was not developing as expected. Through their own research and the help of their family doctor, Cannon was diagnosed with Menke’s disease.
What is Menke’s Disease?
Menke’s disease is a chromosomal abnormality which inhibits the body’s ability to properly distribute the critical element copper. Copper is required for proper cell growth and regeneration in the body. This can cause problems in the bones, skin, hair and nervous system. Estimates on the frequency of Menke’s Disease are around 4 in a million. Cannon was never able to talk or crawl. He got his nourishment through a feeding tube. His dedicated parents took care of him at home until he died in December of 2013.
Cannonboy Run
Now, Cannon’s parents, family, friends and relatives are committed to let as many people as possible know about this disease. They wore their bright, flourescent yellow/green shirts today at the Badger Mountain Challenge with the “Cannonboy Run” logo on the front. The family is planning to run and participate in many events this year to publicize their cause, honor Cannon, and bring awareness to Menke’s.
What is your cause?
The Copelands story gives us a great example of how we can be committed to an important cause. If you’d like, I’m sure the Copelands would love your help in their effort to make people aware of Menke’s. Or, maybe you have a cause of your own; recovery from addiction, cancer survival, getting back to activity after open heart surgery, losing 100 pounds, being healthier. These are just a few ideas but maybe picking one or coming up with your own can motivate you to make improvements in your own life or the lives of others.