Dozens of volunteers helped support, organize and make the Badger Mountain Challenge happen!
Hats off to the organizers, volunteers and participants who helped make the Badger Mountain Challenge a success for 2015. Hundreds of trail runners, joggers, and hikers converged on Badger Mountain on Saturday, March 28, for the Badger Mountain Challenge. See several pictures below of the event. Also, check back here often as there will be a video log of my experience on the 15k Badger Mountain Challenge with narration and an interview with Badger Mountain Challenge lead organizer, Jason Reathaford!
Video Log of the Challenge

Climbing Badger Mountain from Trailhead Park
The weather was a challenge as blustery high winds on Saturday made it hard to stay on the trail in places. Organizers also report high temperatures on Friday made for some minor medical problems for some of the 67 runners who were bold enough to attempt the 100 mile Badger Mountain Challenge course.
Race organizer Jason Reathaford reports there were 67 runners who started the 100 mile Badger Mountain Challenge. 450 people were registered for the 15k event (that’s the one I hiked). Many others participated in the 50k and the 50 mile options.
As Friday’s temperatures reached into the upper 70’s some 100 mile racers had to be treated for heat exhaustion. Friday night, thunder and lightning made racing conditions very difficult. For the hundreds of people who turned out to Saturday’s 15k, wind was the big topic of conversation. On top of Badger Mountain, sustained winds estimated at 60 miles per hour forced hikers and runners to lean into the gusts as they followed the newly updated trail route.
The route utilized the newly completed Orchard View Trail along the lower part of the south side of Badger Mountain. Trail conditions were very good with the fresh rainfall from Friday night. There were some powdery spots in the trail with all of the traffic but, generally, the trails held up great.
Participants were greated along the way but numerous volunteers with water, replenishing drinks, and snacks. On the 15k route, there were 3 nourishment stations along the route.

Volunteers hand out water and snacks at the half-way post near the Dallas Road/Skyline Trailhead
People who completed the Badger Mountain Challenge were able to enjoy the spring wildflowers blooming along the course, (you can read more about the latest blooms by clicking on this post or this post here on hiketricities.com)
The Badger Mountain Challenge is a great event. By my recollection, this is the 5th annual BMC, I’ve had the good fortune of participating in 4 of the events, you can read previous posts about other years in these links:
2014 Badger Mountain Challenge
What’s your cause, here’s one from the Badger Mountain Challenge 2014
2013 Badger Mountain Challenge
2011 Badger Mountain Challenge

On Queensgate Drive, near the start

Heading up Queensgate to Badger Mountain

The “ants” crawling up the trail

Climbing Badger Mountain out of Trailhead Park on the Badger Mountain Challenge 2015

Climbing the Stairs with congestion of hikers and runners

Climbing Badger Mountain from Trailhead Park

Heading up the Sagebrush Trail near the beginning of the Challenge

View of festivities which greeted finishers at Trailhead Park

Near the summit on Badger Mountain traveling down the Sagebrush Trail

View to the east coming down the Sagebrush Trail

Winding through the sagebrush on the Skyline Trail, about half way point!

Along the Orchard View Trail heading west, into the wind

Winding along the south side of Badger Mountain on the Orchard View Trail