Day 5 9.93 miles, 3:46 hiking time, The final day, enduring to the end! We arose on day 5 with anticipation, I think everyone knew we were all going to make it the full 50 miles and the scouts and leaders were anxious go get on the trail. One of the big challenges along our …
Day 4 8.68 miles, 3:46 hiking time, The day of circumnavigating downed trees and scenic waterfalls! Waking up on day 4 and we had no rain overnight! I was very surprised given we were camped in such a lush, green area. It also seemed like people were starting to settle into the routine of the …
Day 3 11.37 miles, 4:11 hiking time, One of the steepest downhill trails I’ve encountered! Day 3 was kind of unique. The first 7 miles of the day’s hike was on a paved road. This was a little hard on the feet but it made the miles pass pretty quickly. We had some beautiful roadside …
Day 2 10.05 miles, 4:37 hiking time, Staying on a trail covered with snow is Tough! I didn’t sleep too well, I guess I wasn’t as tired as I thought. Or, maybe it was the off and on rain showers. Needless to say, we awoke to a misty morning as you can see by the …
Wow! What an awesome adventure as I was fortunate enough to accompany Troop 202 (including 2 of my sons) on a 50 mile, 5 day backpacking trip in the wilderness around Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens. Day 1 10.05 miles, 4:07 hiking time, Creeks waded: lost count! It was very difficult work. I had …
Well, we’re getting pretty excited! The scout troop at church is going on a 50-mile backpacking trip and I’m going along with two of my sons. We’re headed for Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens area. To prepare for the trip, I’ve been ascending Badger Mountain a lot. I just got back from a twilight hike …
Well, I’ve never really considered myself a tree hugger, but I really frown on the stupidity I witness around the day set apart to celebrate our independence. Thanks to some thoughtless, careless people, there is a literal black eye that will watch over the city of West Richland and the whole Tri-Cities. Some careless revelers …
As you probably know from reading my blog and web site, I value the beauty that surrounds us. But, I also respect it. It seems to be an perennial headline in the local newspaper: “Drowning in the Columbia River”. The latest example came just last week. I value the Columbia River as one of the …
When we were on our Summer Solstice Hike the other day, I noticed an old familiar friend that brought with it fond memories and a realization. The old familiar friend was the delicate, lavender shaded Mariposa Lilly. It reminded me of my mother. She loves Mariposa Lillies. Not just the beauty of the little 3 …
Hundreds of boys, aged 7-10, converged on Horn Rapids Park to learn good moral lessons and how to enjoy the great outdoors. Cub Scout Day Camp Group This was the annual Cub-Scout Day Camp. Dozens of volunteer organizers put in hundreds of hours of time preparing for the event. The boys rotated between different stations throughout …