I know many people have been training for the Badger Mountain Challenge. I was up on the mountain this morning, getting a little wet and enjoying the beautiful flowers which are blooming ALL OVER! I’ve included pictures on this post, you can click each one to enlarge. The pictures are pretty good for being on an iPhone. It was a little rainy and I was soaked through and through by the time I was done but I know I can get in my trusty Toyota pickup and go to a warm home and I hiked 3.16 miles in 51:29 and burned 532 calories. I hiked with purpose and decided to do it in my Saucony tennis shoes to see how my feet would handle it. I usually hike in my boots but I am contemplating doing the Badger Mountain Challenge in my Sauconys. Today was a good trip as I went up the Canyon Trail in under 21 minutes to the top, a great time for myself. I did the loop and came back down the Sagebrush Trail, that is where many of the flowers are blooming with the southern exposure. My feet feel pretty good as I am writing this post so I think I will do the Sauconys for the Badger Mountain Challenge. I hope to see you on the mountain and please, say hi as I’d love to meet the people who I hike with and especially those who are part of the Hike Tri-Cities family! Enjoy the beautiful flowers! One special one is the Robinsons Onion. I haven’t seen this in a few years and you have to look carefully to see it but I spotted several specimens on the Sagebrush trail. See the picture below, the Robinsons Onion is a pale pink flower which has stems which look onion-like and it is fairly close to the ground. Paul

Allium robinsonii: Robinsons Onion


Phlox on Badger Mountain

Carey’s Balsamroot on Badger Mountain Sagebrush Trail