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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
As the title suggests, 100 hikes are outlined in this book.
100 Hikes In The Inland Northwest is another great offering from Mountaineers Books. This book covers a wide range of Eastern Washington and Oregon as well as Northern Idaho and Western Montana. It even reaches into Canada.
The beauty of the hikes in this book is the great ideas for day long outings or even overnighters or longer backpacking trips. These hikes are generally longer than the typical hike listed on Hike Tri-Cities.com. As it says in the book, thousands of acres are available for exploring in the Inland Northwest, most of them are inhabited by wildlife but rarely stepped on by human footprints. This makes for an amazing opportunity for us to explore areas that are pristine and unspoiled. 100 hikes has an extensive introduction that can get any novice started on hiking around the Tri-Cities, Columbia Basin and beyond. 100 Hikes also reaffirms the Mountaineers commitment to the groups’ environmental concerns. There are also good tips on proper gear, fishing, bear safety, water supply, organizing a backpack, wilderness etiquette, campfires, snakes, ticks, poisonous plants and much more.
Hikes in the book cover the Channeled Scablands and Columbia Basin, Juniper Dunes, Kettle River Range, Slamo-Priest Country (great for those who frequent Priest Lake), American Selkirk Mountains, Coeur d’Alene/Pend Orielle Country, Great Burn Wilderness Proposal, St. Joe River/Mallard-Larkins Area, Clearwater River/Lewis and Clark Trail, Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness, Eagle Cap Wilderness, Hells Canyon of the Snake River, Kokanee Glacier/Valhalia Provincial Parks, Purcell Mountains/ St. Mary’s Alpine Provincial Park, 100 Hikes also includes one of my favorite hikes I’ve taken with my boys, Oregon Butte. Its just south of Dayton and is an easy overnighter. Plus, you get to see a beautiful view of Washington, Oregon and Idaho on a clear day. There is also a fire lookout that is manned during the summer and the person on duty will usually be happy to give you a tour!
This is a good book with plenty of hikes, it is more geared towards longer journeys. For each hike, it includes a location, status, topographic map, distance, diffinculty, season, elevation and more.