■Mileage: 1 miles round-trip (if you wander a little) variable
■Difficulty: Easy
■Elevation: no elevation gain
Warning: Standing and running water, use caution with children.
Tapteal Bend Birds Blog Posting
Directions: From the intersection of Highway 240 (Bypass Highway) and Van Giesen in Richland, head west (toward West Richland). Go about 1.5 miles park at the small pull-out on the north side of the highway, just before the Yakima River Bridge.
View Tapteal Bend Trailhead in a larger map
This is a small patch of primitive, private land that borders the Yakima River just east of West Richland. It is kept up the The Tapteal Greenway Association. The group has put up a kiosk at the site to help educate visitors and aid in identifying wildlife and birds.
This hike is close to civilization so it has its goods and bads. The good it is close to West Richland so there is little excuse for West Richlanders not to get outdoors on a lunch break or on a whim.
The area is along the Yakima River so there are plenty of wildlife and birdlife viewing opportunities.
If you’re thinking of taking a small group out for a nature walk, this would be a good location. There are even some benches in the area for resting or listening to wildlife.
This is a nice hiking area. Its close and small so don’t expect any deer or elk or a big workout but it is a good opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and just take a quiet walk to ponder life. Enjoy!