Every so often, I have the pleasure of bringing everyone a bonus hike. It is time for another great one! Plus, There is an extra surprise, an audio bonus! This is a sneak peak at the future of my efforts to encourage more people to take control of their lifestyle and become more active through hiking. I plan on calling it the Hike Healthy Podcast!
Here’s a gps tracing of this bonus hike from the Teancum Timbers LDS camp just south of Dayton, Washington. The hike starts in the campground. You cross the south fork of the Touchet River on a nice, steel bridge. There are several steps up to an amphitheater to the right or to the trailhead to the left. If you go to the left, you’ll climb more steps then you take a sharp right up a trail that is not very well established but it is a trail none-the-less. There are several zig-zags cut into the hillside and the trail seems to dead-end. At this point, you have to go cross-country through some brush. I chose to head straight up, picking my way through the brush that was less dense.
The Hike Healthy Podcast, click play above to listen! Along the way, I recorded a narration of my hike along with some thoughts which I hope will be inspiring and motivational for anyone who is hoping to take control of their lifestyle. This is the first of what I hope will be a long line of episodes of the Hike Healthy Podcast. I’ve been thinking about this and learning about it for years. I finally purchased some equipment and am learning how to be a podcaster. I’ll keep you posted on the progress. For now.
As I continued my hike up the mountain, I had to work through some brush but found some beautiful flowers along the way. From columbine to lupine to indian paintbrush to wild rose.
I’ve included pictures of as many as turned out on my iPhone camera! It was so beautiful! As I got through the cross-country brush trip, I emerged to a high meadow.
As I looked back down, the beautiful, green valley opened below.
See all the beautiful flower pictures below.
I was pushing myself up the hill, my heart was pounding fast and I was perspiring. It was a wonderful adventure. As I continued up, I saw the ridge on the crest of the mountain. Still more flowers and colors and vistas! I hope you’ll take the time to listen to the narration as I talked about finding beauty wherever we are and taking little victories as we try to take better control of our lifestyle. I hope it is something which is helpful to you in your journey.
At the top of the mountain, I looked over the back to the valley below and the town of Dayton, I looked back where I came from and saw the beautiful green of spring. I went down a different ridge which was fairly barren with loose rocks and dirt, it was a quick descent as I took the next ridge to the north which came out at the amphitheater I mentioned earlier. Then it was back across the river and back to the campground. This is a great bonus hike. If you want more information on this hike and campground, shoot me a note in the form below. I’d also love to hear any feedback on the narration.

This golden beauty made up the yellow carpet in the picture below, let me know if you can identify this one (click to enlarge)