Hike Directions
I decided to take a little hike on Columbia Point to be able to look across to Bateman Island where I had hiked just a few days earlier. I parked at the park and went through the barriers, under the twin I-182 bridges to the open expanse of Columbia Point. I was reminded that this area used to be open to motorized vehicles with paved roads and jeep trails. I followed the trail straight paralleling the Columbia River. I got to the east edge and looked out across to Bateman Island. It was a beautiful, crisp, quiet winter morning. As I rounded the tip, there were hundreds of waterfowl floating in the protected inlet. A few took flight as I walked closer but most were content just floating. I followed the trail around the point then intersected with an old, unused paved road. I headed off the road between two large boulders and out into an area that has numerous trails and old roads. I took one familiar side trail that let me to a secluded grove of trees that looked like a possible summer hobo camp.
No one home during these chilly winter days, a nice view of the wetlands though, complete with cattails.
I rounded out back on the paved bicycle path to the parking lot, an enjoyable hike.