borrowed this acronym for effective goal setting from awesome guy, Michael Hyatt. Part of a recent podcast I listened to (see hiking university post) was on goal setting and he mentioned this acronym that I’ve heard of before, I hope it can help you.
The acronym is SMART goal setting.
The S stands for Specific. Make sure you are not vague on what you wish to accomplish. Something like “I want to get in better shape” is too broad and destined for failure. “I want to exercise 3 times a week” is likely to be much more effective.
The M stands for Measurable. Continuing with the better health theme you need to be able to gauge when you reach your goal. If you say “I want to be healthier”, it may be difficult to measure that. If you say “I want to get my body fat down to 15% is a goal you can measure and know when you’re actually making progress or have even succeeded.
A stands for Actionable. An effective goal has to be something you can see and witness yourself doing. How will you do it? What are the steps you need to take to be successful? You probably will have to modify your diet or your activity level or both if your goal is to lose weight.
R is for Realistic. “I will increase my income by one million dollars by the end of this month” is probably too short a time frame. “I will lose 2 pounds a week” is realistic. I know this includes a dramatic example but nothing kills efforts to reach goals quicker than being unrealistic about what you can accomplish.
T is for Time Bound. You have to have a deadline to get yourself off your keyster and on the bike, trail, path, treadmill or whatever your method may be. Setting a deadline will allow you to develop a step-by-step plan to reach success by a certain date or time. Lack of a deadline equals procrastination and you may never get out of the starting gate.
If you follow the points listed here, you can be a more effective goal setter and find greater satisfaction in your life. When you achieve meaningful accomplishments, you will be able to have an even better quality of life as you realize more and more of your hopes and dreams.