Well, just as I thought, the wet winter (and continued rain showers we’ve had this spring), are making for beautiful colors on the hills and hiking trails around the Columbia Basin.
If you need some help identifying a wildflower you see out on your hike, check the WILDFLOWER page I put together and you may find some helpful information. If you have any suggestions or corrections, don’t hesitate to comment below!
The wildflower season is off to a strong start with the Carey’s Balsamroot coming on strong! on my hike the other day, I saw yellowbells and bunches of Purse’s milk vetch covering the ground
(you can click any of these pictures and enlarge them). Probably most amazing is the lush, green carpet that is covering all the local hills and hiking trails!
The weather is perfect for a wildflower hike in the Columbia Basin. Just take a jacket along and wear some layers if its a little cold. I haven’t seen any snakes yet so there aren’t many excuses for not getting out and enjoying the beauty that surrounds us! Enjoy!