This is a story from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. I share this with you here as a means of warning about proper preparation for hiking, even if its just here in the Columbia Basin. This includes having a good map/compass/GPS and knowing where you are going. If you don’t know, don’t go! Take someone along who does know where they are going. Also, make sure you take proper equipment including water, snacks, first aid kits, communication devices. You should check out this article on for 4 Essential Safety Tips for the Novice Hiker.
All pictures are courtesy Franklin County Facebook page.
From Franklin County:
Franklin County Deputies were called out for a rescue at White Bluffs. Two females went for a hike and were unable to make it back to their vehicle. The area is very remote. Deputies located them 2.3 miles north of the boat launch.
Because of the terrain a helicopter was called in to transport them. White Bluffs is located at the northwest corner of Franklin County. We are glad that everyone is safe.