Directions to this hike
This is a reprint of a hike from my old blog. I took this hike several times in 2010 and it is enjoyable so I decided to post this here on Hike because I think more people could benefit from exploring this area.
Originally posted March 8, 2010
I decided to take a new hike today at the Rattlesnake Mountain Recreational Preserve. I set out from the trailhead on the highway just outside of Benton City, about 15 miles from home. It was a nice, quiet hike, only saw one other person (with his dogs). I hiked in about 3 miles to some burned out trees that would make a nice camp site for a scout outing. There was a Rattlesnake Mountain foothill to the south that would be nice to hike up on a day when I had more time. Some interesting looking rocky canyons to explore, beautiful desert wildflowers are starting to bloom. I even came across a geological survey marker.
Definitely a place for future visits with an overnight pack on my back.
do you have directions to trail head?
Please look at the Rattlesnake Preserve hike on the left side of the home page under “hikes”. I put the proper directions, maps and details there with the trailhead directions too. Thanks for the heads up! Paul
This is my favorite hike by far in the tri cities climbing the what I call lil rattle snake. Tons of wildlife, mule deer elk and coyote especially in the winter months!!