Directions to this hike
What a great blessing to find this simple, yet beautiful hiking area right here in town. I’d seen the sign and parking area before and decided to venture into the area to get a look.
A nice surprise was just 200 yards up the trail as your standing on the bank of the Yakima River with a panoramic view up and downstream. I returned a couple weeks later with snowmelt raising the river to flood levels and the water running swiftly. I included later pictures for comparison.
As I watched the river, an otter swam across and several birds flew in and out of the area. I later went to the other side of the river and got this panoramic video:
From the bank, I followed a trail along the river that goes through some canopied areas and along the semi-wetland habitat.
I could only go so far as I reached a canal which branched off the river and headed south. As far as I could gather, it went almost back to Columbia Park Trail, impeding my efforts to go further downstream to see the ice flow at the railroad bridge. (I later went to the other side, by the bridge to get this picture.)
As I hiked through the delta, I took a little side path which took me back to the canal but I got a nice surprise as I heard the unmistakeable sound of large wings flapping and I looked up to see a Great Blue Heron take flight. I also saw a rabbit scurrying about and many deer tracks. Since it was still a frozen day at the delta, I spotted a couple photographic opportunities as I wandered back to the parking area.
beautiful pic of Yakima river areas and ice jam
Thank you for your comments and appreciation of Hike!
Thank you! It was an amazing site to see. All gone now though with the warm snap we’ve been having!
I have been looking for a nice easy hike to take our Frontier Girls on and after reading your blog I am positive they will enjoy this nice hike. I’m so glad to have found this site. Thanks for the great pics and information.
That is great! Thanks for your work in teaching youngsters about the beauty that surrounds us!